22/30: Some Place I've Traveled

Day 22

Not much, but, I do have a chances visiting some places in or out of Indonesia. Most of it was done with family or friends. I'm not a lonely traveler :P Here some place I've traveled to.

Domestic trip:
2011. Bandung, Kawah Putih, Tangkuban Perahu
2010. Banten, Speelwijk Fort, Avalokitesvara
2010. Java road trip, Kebumen, Magelang, Pangandaran I, Pangandaran II, Green Canyon
2010. Semarang, Sam Poo Kong
2010. Singkawang, Simping Island 
2010. Sukabumi, Ujung Genteng, Curug Cikaso
2009. Bogor, Curug Rahong
2009. Cilember, Curug 7
200?. Padang
2006. Makassar
2006. Bali
200?. Jogjakarta
1994. Java road trip, Jakarta, Surabaya, Madura

International trip:
2011. Singapore.
2008. Thailand.
2006. China, Shanghai, Beijing.

Not all, only some I can trace recall. Ehm, well, almost all :P

30 Days things-to-do list:
Day 01: A self portrait
Day 02: Three inspirational quotes
Day 03: Something I never leave the house without
Day 04: A friend I adore
Day 05: Three years ago today
Day 06: A book I'm reading
Day 07: A song for the day
Day 08: The last item I purchased
Day 09: A close-up of my day
Day 10: What I love about my job
Day 11: Something I've been craving
Day 12: Three blogs I can't get enough of
Day 13: Something I'm proud of
Day 14: A favorite movie
Day 15: Some style inspiration for the season
Day 16: Someone who inspires me
Day 17: My family
Day 18: What I wore today
Day 19: A silly self-portrait
Day 20: A childhood anecdote
Day 21: Something I could never tire of
Day 22: Some place I've traveled

Day 23: Eight things you didn't know about me
Day 24: Something that means a lot to me
Day 25: The contents of my purse
Day 26: Something I'm looking forward to
Day 27: Myself, one year ago
Day 28: A skill I'd like to learn
Day 29: Some place I'd like to visit
Day 30: Three wonderful things that happened this month



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